
Sunday, May 18, 2008

Good News!

Sorry to not have posted this sooner...I have been having a big birthday celebration weekend over here (33!! Woo hoo!!) There has been lots to celebrate...I am immune to the slapped cheek/fifth disease thing, so I can't get it and can't pass it on to the baby. I am so relieved! Thank you for your prayers and good vibes. I am so grateful for them. Will try to write more soon...



  1. SO relieved to hear you are immune to that crazy, made-up-sounding but way-too-scary disease. Thank you, God!


  2. Hey Elizabeth!!
    I wasn't sure the best way to get in touch with you, but I wanted to say hi! And, I was wondering if you had any need for a used keyboard. I've been moving mine around with me for a while and not using it, so I thought I'd see if your kids would get any use out of it. Happy Birthday!!
    - Your cousin and new neighbor - Liz =)
