
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Life's a Bowl of Blueberries

I have to admit, I have really been enjoying our lazy summer days so far. I am totally winging it with no major plans from day-to-day...we're just waking up, seeing how we feel, seeing how it feels outside, taking stock of the laundry basket situation and then deciding what to do with these beautiful sunny days that are stretching out before us like a lazy cat.

Yesterday the weather was this amazing combination of cool and breezy and sunny. I miss Texas almost every day, but I have come to LOVE the fact that in Virginia we still get a cool and breezy morning on the first of July. After determining we absolutely had to do something outside so that we didn't waste this beautiful day, we decided to head out to Great Country Farms yesterday to see what all the hype was about. We had heard great things from friends, so yesterday seemed like the perfect time to check it out for ourselves. I packed up some pb&j sandwiches and snacks and about an hour later we were leaving the suburbs and driving through the rolling green hills of Virginia to the farm. As you head further and further west of our house you start seeing the shadow of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The landscape of townhouses, outlet malls and McMansions starts dissolving into a vineyard situated on the side of a green, lush hill, an isolated General Store that advertises its sandwiches and homemade ice cream, and every so often you'll see a farm house. It is quite an improvement as far as views go. As I drive, I start fantasizing about one day living out here in all this beauty, and then I start to wonder where I'd go out to eat...I'm sure the sandwiches at that General Store are delicious, but....

It turns out the farm totally lived up to its reputation. For $5 we were able to have so much fun it was ridiculous...We even ran into friends from church and friends from Emma's old preschool in DC. I love when serendipitous things like that happen. Here are some fun pictures of our day riding cow trains, going on hay rides, hanging out with goats and picking blueberries...

Hungry goat

Emma attracting goats.

Charlie's favorite farm activity...sending these wooden sifter things down the water channel. I think this was supposed to be some kind of lesson in how prospectors used to look for gold, but Charlie just enjoyed seeing the wooden "boats" float by.

Back-to-back bunnies and a duck

Bunny up close

Charlie on the "Moo-cow train"

Two happy kids

Charlie, master of the U-Pick

Charlie in the middle of exclaiming, "This is a dark blue one!"

Heading back to the farm with our harvest.

Later that cream with blueberry sauce for dessert!

Well, I better go for now...we have another fun summer day ahead of us! Today probably won't live up to yesterday's adventure seeing as we have Charlie's 3-year check-up on the agenda, but you never know when serendipity will strike and a perfect day will be had by all. Happy Wednesday, everyone!


  1. Oh, how perfect! I used to call those our "making memories" days. It looked like you all had a wonderful time. The "moo-cow train" is like the Wiggle Worm train I told you about in Austin, but the 100 degree weather around here wouldn't make that very enjoyable right now. Continue to make those pecious memories.

  2. I have heard such awesome things about that farm and am anxious to visit at some point- thanks for the adorable pics....your kiddos are just too cute.

  3. I am so jealous of your day. It sounded like an amazing adventure for everyone. I am sure the saying that the "grass is always greener..." would apply here, but I am pretty sure your days of waking up and letting the wind take you were you land, so-to-speak, definitely beats going to work any day! I also really want to hear more about the progress you have made on your novel. Although, it sounds like the pace of writing has been fast and furious and am betting it must feel pretty amazing to progressing so much. Love, Stacey

  4. A cool morning in July? Yes, enjoy Virginia while you can. But get back to TX as soon as possible. You can swim 8 months out of the year, you know. :)

    Happy blueberry eating!
