
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Four out of five of us are sick today. Brandon is being a real trooper and trying to act like he is not sick. He's been making all my mother's day dreams come true by accommodating my bi-annual urge to rearrange the furniture. And now he's organizing our garage to make room for all of the furniture which is either too broken or ugly to stay. Anyone need a broken toddler bed, broken train table or ugly kids' table and chairs? Anyway, I'm really due back on the couch now..hope you're all having a swell Mother's Day!


  1. Oh, I'm sorry you all caught a bug. Get well soon!

  2. yuck! I hope you guys are all better soon!

  3. Happy belated Mother's Day to one of the best mom's I know. Hope you all are better soon.
    Love, Stacey

  4. Here's hoping you're all feeling much better now. At least in time to show Brandon a great Fathers' Day. Sounds like he deserves it.

    Take care,

    p.s. Are you doing SimpleMom's Spring Cleaning? Sounds as if...

  5. Depends...was Simple Mom's Spring Cleaning started by an impulse garage sale purchase? You know how you buy one new thing and then that causes a chain reaction so that you then have to rearrange everything else in the house? And then you finally decide you can let go of the broken train table and toddler bed?

  6. Hi Elizabeth~ I miss you and the inspirational mommy that you are!!! I am just now checking in on you guys...I bet Teddy is so big and I cannot believe that Emma is starting Kindergarden. That is unreal. I still remember one of the first Sundays that you guys were visiting church and I was in the nursery with that adorable little girl. We miss you guys and hope to see you when I am back in VA for a few weeks in Sept. Hugs, Kelly
